Profile Picturebootsygreenwood


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We don’t meditate to destroy the ego or weaken the ego, the ego is not an enemy. In fact, the ego is a friend and is what connects our spirit to the external world. That’s its function, nothing more. It allows us to express our personality, communicate with others, read books, make art, play games, drive cars, etc……

There is nothing wrong with ego, with having an ego or expressing ourselves through an ego. The ego is something that should be celebrated since it connects us to a shared reality!

The problem is when we allow our ego (i.e. the stimulus around us that we perceive as the physical world) to dominate our deeper selves, our true selves, our ‘higher’ selves – whatever you want to call it, as opposed to allowing the light, love energy which we are express itself through the ego. That’s the difference between the force and the dark side.

The ego operates properly when we find ourselves living from the inside out as opposed to the outside in. When we are living from a place of love, we express it through our egos. When we are living from a place of fear or over-complication or anxiety or stress, we are living from the outside in. Be mindful and aware of what you are exposing yourself to, it can influence you negatively if you aren’t careful. But regardless of what happens on the outside, it’s what is inside that counts. Be there always and ego is not an enemy but a way to navigate the world and express your true nature, which is light, love energy.

We are all ONE expressing itself through egos, let’s see the separation between us as well as the light in each of us, expressing itself in infinite ways - like snowflakes, no two ever exactly the same.

This meditation is designed to reinforce this idea and assist with working with this misunderstood aspect of self.

Ego is a bridge to the material world. Love is all there is.

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